SolidWorks Tutorials 16: SolidWorks Sketch Trim Entities

This is 16th tutorial post of SolidWorks CAD 3D modeling program about the using of Trim Entities tools in Sketch. The Trim Entities tool is mainly used for removing unwanted parts or portions from your design sketch. For trimming, you must have coincident sketch parts with another. The Sketch Trim Entities also consist of “Extend Entities” tool, which helps to extend or adjusting the lines. The trimming is like removing unwanted parts using a scissors.

Trim Entities Tool

When opening trim tool, you can see the trim property manager in the user-interface. It consists of 5 different types of trim options such as Power trim, Corner, Trim away inside, Trim away outside and Trim to closest.

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Note: This is just tutorial showing how to use trim entities tool, not showing any product drawing or designing in it. If you are advanced SolidWorks user please avoid it. This Solidworks tutorial is for beginners, students or people likes to learn about SolidWorks.

Watch How to Use SolidWorks Sketch Trim Entities Tools:-

Let us see how to use each one of the trim tools in detailed manner.

For doing this tutorial, just draw rough sketch using 4 lines; i.e., two in parallel (horizontal) and other in parallel (vertical) is shown below.

solidworks tutorials how to use trim entities in solidworks rough sketch_1

I want to remove the unwanted lines from the sketch using the Trim entities tool. Let’s do it.

Related SolidWorks Sketch Tools Tutorials:-

Before starting, you need to create rough drawing like the above image on your solidworks sketch interface.

Step 1

Open the Solidworks and New part File. If you don’t know it, read How to Create New Part File. Select the Plane (e.g. Top Plane) and normalize using the “Normal To” Button. Also Read SolidWorks Heads-up Toolbar on this blog.

Step 2

Select the Line sketching tool from command manger or menubar and draw the two parallel lines in horizontal and other lines in vertical and make them intersecting roughly. ( image shown above)

Next step onwards you are going to see each one of the trim operations in action.

Step 3

In the step 3 explains the different trims in action.

To access the “Trim Entities”, from Command manager is shown in the figure below.

solidworks tutorials how to use trim entities in solidworks trim entities tool from command manager_2


You can also access this tool from the menubar.

Tools –> Sketch Tools –> Trim

How to Use Power Trim

Power trim is one of the easy tools, which helps to remove sketch entities or parts by selecting or hold down your mouse cursor. The color change will appear in the selected line, as shown below.

solidworks tutorials how to use power trim select-3

Then leave the holding and uncolored portion is trimmed.


solidworks tutorials how to use power trim final trimmed image-4

You can select the entity as you wish to remove from the sketch. Then you select the bounding entity or anywhere on the screen.

How to Use Corner Trim

Corner trim is mainly used for removing the unwanted parts in from a corner and make it a fine corner.

For that, first select the “Corner Trim”, from the Trim property and then select the two intersecting lines.

solidworks trim entities tutorials how to use corner trim final corner trim image5

How to Use Trim away Inside

If you want to remove sketch inside entities, Trim away inside option is used. For that select two bounding entities or a face and then select the entities to trim.

solidworks trim entities tutorials how to use trim away inside final corner trim image6

How to Use Trim away Outside

Trim away outside tool helps to remove the portion outside the boundaries. For that select two bounding entities and then select the entity portion as you want to remove from the sketch.

solidworks tutorials how to use trim away outside final trim entities trim away image7

How to Use Trim to Closest

It helps to remove the closest entity from the intersecting lines or sketch. You can just select the line as you need to cut from the sketch.

solidworks tutorials how to use trim to closest final trim closest image8 trim entities

Finally, I cleared all the unwanted parts from the rough sketch and last I will get a rectangle.

solidworks tutorials final rectangle image trim entities

This is the final image after the trimming action.

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